Monday, May 21, 2012

Pirate Tot School

Alex is 4.5, Max is 2.5 years old.

Like I mentioned in my last post, Alex has been choosing the themes lately.  He chose pirates one week, which caught me off guard, as we don’t have a pirate pack (yet…).  We started with resources from Preschool Printables and Over The Big Moon.  

I just couldn’t resist, though, so I bought some graphics to add in a few more pages of my own.  (My next pack will be a pirate themed pack…with T is for Treasure, because we know our GREATEST treasure is Jesus Christ!)

Prewriting Practice

May2012 045 May2012 046 May2012 047

Magnet/Dot Marker Pages
(Our magnets are currently put away, as Max was throwing them…
and they are choking hazards for the baby!)

May2012 048 May2012 049

Find & Stamp the P

May2012 050 May2012 051

Handwriting – T is for Treasure

May2012 052 May2012 053

Sorting Pirates & Pirate Gear

Max is in love with glue sticks :)

May2012 054 May2012 055 May2012 056

Circling What’s Different

This is still challenging for Max, but it’s getting pretty easy for the four year olds!

May2012 057

coloring the pirate shipes

May2012 058

shape matching

May2012 059

sorting T and t letters

May2012 060

counting practice

May2012 061

size sorting

May2012 062

more counting practice

May2012 063 May2012 064


May2012 065

beginning sounds

May2012 066

circling what’s different

May2012 067