Alex is 4.5, Max is 2.5 years old.
Like I mentioned in my last post, Alex has been choosing the themes lately. He chose pirates one week, which caught me off guard, as we don’t have a pirate pack (yet…). We started with resources from Preschool Printables and Over The Big Moon.
I just couldn’t resist, though, so I bought some graphics to add in a few more pages of my own. (My next pack will be a pirate themed pack…with T is for Treasure, because we know our GREATEST treasure is Jesus Christ!)
Prewriting Practice
Magnet/Dot Marker Pages
(Our magnets are currently put away, as Max was throwing them…
and they are choking hazards for the baby!)
Find & Stamp the P
Handwriting – T is for Treasure
Sorting Pirates & Pirate Gear
Max is in love with glue sticks :)
Circling What’s Different
This is still challenging for Max, but it’s getting pretty easy for the four year olds!
coloring the pirate shipes
shape matching
sorting T and t letters
counting practice
size sorting
more counting practice
beginning sounds
circling what’s different