Thursday, January 16, 2014

Max’s School (LHTH Unit 12)

Little Hands To Heaven is lots of fun!  I continue to be impressed with this hands-on, Biblical curriculum!

Unit 12 focuses on the letter J.  We finger painted uppercase Js.  Max’s letters are hung in the stairway leading to our bonus room.  From time to time, we’ll stop on the stairway & name all the letters Max knows.


Max didn’t want to show off his letter, but his siblings did! Smile


This was the ONLY Little Hands To Heaven unit that we completed in the month of December.  There were so many other fun learning activities going on in our home that we set it to the side for most of the month!

Tracing a giant letter J.  We finger trace these letters several times on the first day, and then he traces it with crayon on the second day.


Max loved the Fingerplay Song this week!  It was a Days of The Week song with lots of motion, and he really got into it.  I should have videoed him…but I didn’t Sad smile

We learned about the Israelites turning away from God and losing the ark of the covenant.  We played a “Capture The Ark” game by hiding a yellow block (The Ark of the Covenant) under one of 3 cups.  We would take turns hiding it and guessing which cup held the ark.


I now catch my kids playing this all the time!  They love this game!


Rod & Staff preschool workbook


Woohoo!  Not only cold he RECOGNIZE all of his letters when we reviewed; he was also able to PUT THEM IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER.  I was very impressed!


Nobody will ever guess what this one is!  We read about Samuel anointing Saul as king.  This is Max’s picture of Saul, anointed with cooking oil.


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