Many of you have been requesting a Nativity pack. I was hesitant, knowing that there are lots of wonderful Nativity preschool packs available. Finally, I decided to design a pack for a special cause.
This pack will sell for $1, and for each pack purchased, Little Monkey Printables will donate $1 to Show Hope. At the end of the month of December, I will update you on how much money you’ve provided for this donation!
Show Hope is a ministry that cares for orphans and helps to fund adoption grants. My husband and I have been feeling very led lately to give more generously to the needs that God has placed on our hearts.
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” James 1:27
This pack will sell for $1. My earnings on a $1 pack are $0.67, so the remaining money will come from additional Little Monkey Purchases during the month of December.
Thank you for helping to make a difference!
Here are some sample pages from this pack:
Bible Verse Poster
Christmas Rebus Story
Learning Addition page
…and much more…