Sunday, March 6, 2011

Tools Tot Pack

Can you tell I'm having fun with these? The novelty will wear off soon, and we'll also have a new little one to keep us plenty busy around here in just a few I'm trying to create what I can before my quiet naptimes are filled with the unpredictable schedule of a newborn!

I fell in love with these tool graphics while browsing through, and the very next day they had a 40% off sale – Yay!

With two little boys who love tools, I couldn’t resist using these as my next “learn to use Photoshop” project. There’s still room for improvement, but it sure is fun learning! (Alex had a lot of fun helping me change the color on the wrenches, too!)

(click the picture below to download the Tools Tot Pack)

tools tot pack

I’ve also included these & a few extras, such as a color page and a “circle what’s different” page:Untitled-1

If you can’t tell from the pictures, here’s what you can download:

  • colors cards
  • shadow matching
  • size sequencing
  • prewriting
  • finish the pattern cards – you can keep the sheets whole or cut around each patterning box and put these on a ring
  • letter finder
  • count and clip cards
  • shape matching
  • 4 part puzzles
  • Race To The Toolbox game
  • color the hammer
  • circle the picture that is different

I’m just going with what works for Alex at this age and stage. Hopefully some of you can use these with your little tool-lovers, too! Enjoy!


I don’t think it would be fair to post this without crediting a few wonderful moms who share their own pages. Their creativity has sparked the ideas for some of these pages. Thanks, ladies!

Jolanthe ~

Alison ~

Lauren ~

Michelle ~