(I didn't proofread...sorry for any typos, but it's hard enough just keeping up with the blog, let alone proofreading this many new posts in one day!)
Last week Monday, Mom, Deb & Emma came to go blueberry picking. This is becoming an annual event, and it's fun! This year, it rained and rained in the morning. We waited until the rains passed, then headed out to pick. Since the blueberries were cleaned by the rain, it was even more tempting to eat them right off the bush! :)
Alex did well for a little while. He "helped" us by picking leaves and dropping them right into my bucket. Oops! After a while, he got bored & sleepy. I managed to get him to sleep, then Grandma took him to a picnic table for a nap in her arms. We finished picking, then headed back to my house for lunch and a little more time together.
I didn't get many berries this year, and I'm thinking about going to buy more soon. I've already been back for more of their fresh produce: corn, peaches, beans, green peppers. It's good stuff! The peaches and blueberries have both been used to make baby food. Alex has loved it! We've been mixing blueberries & peaches, peaches & bananas with cinnamon, bananas & blueberries. He's never really cared much for baby food fruit, just veggies...but he's devouring the fresh fruits. I wouldn't think it would be that much of a difference.

On Thursday, I headed up to Lansing for a day at Grandma Schurman's house. Alex & I spent about 1.5 hours with Grandma, then Grandma & I went to the grocery store while Aunt Donna & Emma babysat. It was so strange to be away from Alex while I did everyday chores. I felt like I was "using" Aunt Donna. I'm hoping she really did have fun...because it was nice to have time just for Mom & me, even if it was just a trip to Ultra and the health food store.
The health food store!!! That means dairy free ice cream, a dairy free ice cream sandwich, and dairy free soy cheese & soy yogurt. The ice creams are good, but I haven't tried the cheese or yogurt yet. I'm used to eating yogurt & cheese every single day. I miss them sooo much! I'm just afraid to try them, for fear they won't taste anything like the real stuff.
In the afternoon, Aunt Janice came over with Kate & Josh. They brought their foster puppies along, so Alex got to play with 6 week old Reeses & Peanut. (Peanut is the lighter one.) They are so adorable! The puppies are just too sweet! If I was crazy, I'd adopt one of them. I think one dog and one baby are enough for now, though! :)
It was so nice to have a lot of time with my family this week. I feel like they all lose out by living an hour away...so it was nice to spend 2 days with them this week! :)
The pictures below are not in any order.