The rolling over was not exactly intentional...he was on his tummy & mad. When he pushed with his hand, he flipped. He was momentarily startled to find himself on his back, but then quickly returned to wailing.
The sippy cup went okay. We removed the spill-proof piece so that the water just dribbles into Alex's mouth. His pediatrician wants him to have about 4 oz a day now, especially as the weather is getting warmer. She also suggested we try rice cereal because Alex is such a piggy! :) We started with cereal so runny it was almost like milk. We'll thicken it a little more each day until he really "gets" it.
The giggle gets a post of its own. Hopefully it doesn't take a zillion years to watch the video!
I promise this is still Alex's blog, but since it's Earth Day, I'm straying a bit...
Yesterday I was reading some Earth Day articles online while the baby napped. They pointed out some facts I had never considered. When we think of being "green", we think of buying organic & environmentally friendly products. This article made a very valid point: Do you have to buy it at all?
Another article I read made the point that, even when we need something, we don't necessarily have to buy new. Shopping at thrift stores & garage sales is actually helping the environment. I had never thought of it that way before, but I suppose it's true. You're giving new life to something that might otherwise end up in a landfill. You're getting what you need, saving money, and helping the environment. Frugal & Green go hand-in-hand.
My challenge to myself is to really consider the purchases we make. Now, that new entertainment center that I'm wanting so badly doesn't seem quite so important.
My challenge for all of you is to find one way to change your lifestyle to be more "green" (and, as a side-benefit, more frugal) in 2008. Here are a few suggestions:
Here's the article that really got me thinking:
Are We Going Green With Guilt?
By Monica Hesse
The Washington Post
Congregation of the Church of the Holy Organic, let us buy.
Let us buy the eco-friendly 600-thread-count bed sheets, milled in Switzerland with U.S. cotton, $570 for queen-size.
Let us purge our closets of those sinful synthetics, purify ourselves in the flame of the soy candle at the altar of the immaculate Earth Weave rug, and let us buy, buy, buy until we are whipped into a beatific froth of free-range fulfillment.
And let us never consider the other organic option — not buying — because the new green consumer wants to consume, without all the hand-me-down baby clothes and out-of-date carpet.
There was a time when buying organic meant Whole Foods and farmers markets. But in the past two years, the word has seeped out of the supermarket and into the home store, into the vacation industry, into the Wal-Mart. Almost three-quarters of the U.S. population buys organic products at least occasionally; between 2005 and 2006, the sale of organic nonfood items increased 26 percent, from $744 million to $938 million, according to the Organic Trade Association.
The privileged, eco-friendly American realized long ago that SUVs were Death Stars; now we see that our gas-only Lexus is one, too. Best replace it with a 2008 LS 600 hybrid for $104,000 (it actually gets fewer miles per gallon than some traditional makes, but, see, it is a hybrid).
When renowned environmentalist Paul Hawken is asked to comment on the new green consumer, he says, dryly, "The phrase itself is an oxymoron."
Oh ho?
"The good thing is, people are waking up to the fact that we have a real (environmental) issue," says Hawken, who cofounded Smith & Hawken but left in 1992, before the $8,000 yard became de rigueur. "But many of them are coming to the issue from being consumers. They buy a lot. They drive a lot."
The culture of obsolescence has become so deeply ingrained that it's practically reflexive. Holey sweaters get pitched, not mended. Laptops and cellphones get slimmer and shinier. We trade up every six months and hope we're buying the right things, though sometimes we're not sure:
When the market research firm Hartman Group asked devout green consumers what the USDA "organic" seal meant on a product, 43 percent did not know.
Which is why something gets lost in translation.
Polyester = bad. Solution? Throw out the old wardrobe and replace with natural fibers!
Linoleum = bad. Solution? Rip up the old floor and replace with cork!
It's done with the best of intentions, but that "bad" vinyl flooring was probably less destructive in your kitchen than in a landfill (unless it was a health hazard). Ditto for the older, but still wearable, clothes.
And that's not even getting into the carbon footprint left by a nice duvet's 5,000-mile flight from Switzerland. (Oh, all right: a one-way ticket from Zurich to Washington produces about 1,500 pounds of carbon dioxide.)
Really going green, Hawken says, "means having less. Everyone is saying, 'You don't have to change your lifestyle.' Well, yes, actually, you do."
But, but, but — buying green feels so guiltless. "There's a certain thrill, that you get to go out and replace everything," says Leslie Garrett, author of "The Virtuous Consumer," a green shopping guide.
Garrett describes the conflicting feelings she and her husband experienced when trying to decide whether to toss an old sofa: "Our dog had chewed on it — there were only so many positions we could put it in" without the teeth marks showing. But it still fulfilled its basic role: "We could still sit on it without falling through."
They could still subscribe to the crazy notion that conservation was about ... conserving. Says Garrett, "The greenest products are the ones you don't buy."
Yes, you read that correctly, my smarty-pants already has a college scholarship. If you can read it, though, you'll see that it's not based on his incredible genius abilities. I updated my personal information for Olivet's database, and they sent us a gift and a scholarship. When Alex is ready for college, he has a $1000 scholarship for ONU. (I'm sure at that point, it will cover one week of classes! Ha!)
They also sent us a (BIG) bib that says "Future Olivetian". It might fit Danielle...perhaps we'll get her to wear it long enough for a photo ;)
There are others, too, but those were my best deals of the day. I got:
All for $89.65!!!
(You know it's a good deal when the cashier wants to know how you did it & where you get your coupons.)
I might have to buy a gallon of milk and a loaf of bread before the two weeks are up, but I think that's about it. Like I said, Karen is cool! :)
Here's what we're eating, by the way...10 meals & leftovers for the other nights
grilled smoked sausage
pork roast
bbq pork sandwiches
peachy chicken
penne pasta
crock pot pizza