(Alex is 33 months)
Well, I guess there’s very little evidence that we did a Cow theme. We did, although it took us two weeks and we still weren’t as thorough as we could have been. I took very few pictures, and I just didn’t consistently sit down to work with Alex in the morning. Hopefully, as I'm out of the first trimester and have a little energy again, we can do a little better from here on out!
Here are a few things we did in the past few weeks.
Cut & Paste – just when I thought Alex was getting good with the glue, he got carried away. It started out pretty nicely with one little drop of glue on the back of each egg.
This car one was his FAVORITE! I supervised the glue, and he just ADORED “driving” the cars into the parking spaces. This one had to hang on the fridge for a while.
Cow magnet page – I think it’s from Making Learning Fun. You roll the number dice, and then you put the correct number of magnets on the shape.
Lots of cow-themed books…
Alex’s favorite was Daisy The Dancing Cow by Viki Woodworth. He giggled every time we read him the story! “Moo-ee! I’m a hoofer!” was quoted a lot in this house! :)
We also went apple picking to finish up our apple theme from a few weeks ago, and Alex enjoyed using the apple peeler-corer-slicer to make apple pie filling, too!
And that’s all we’ve got. We really did learn about cows and the letter C, I promise! We’re having lots of fun with leaves right now, so hopefully I’ll have a better post to share next week! :)
Check out the Tot School website to see what other tots are learning about this week!
Still looks like he had a lot of fun learning :-)
Growing a baby is hard work and you still got a lot done.
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