Monday, July 6, 2009

A Finale In The Middle (Happy 4th!)

Well, it wasn't a beautiful day. It was overcast in the morning, turning to rain just in time for a family get-together at Uncle Jim's house. Although a few people braved the pool in the 67 degree weather, Keith & I did not. Brrrrr.

We still had fun at Uncle Jim's house, just sitting around and talking...eating...playing a game...and enjoying new baby Cailin. She's now 2.5 months old, and it's the first time I've seen her since the hospital nursery. Now it's hard to think of Alex being that small at one point, and it makes me grateful we'll have another small one soon!

We headed home for a fancy dinner of leftovers. Usually, we go to my parent's house in the evening on the Fourth of July. We have dinner together, then head to my sister's house and walk from there to the town fireworks. We opted not to do that this year, as I've been living in our little town for 5 years and have never seen the fireworks here. So, of course, it rains. And rains. And rains.

After we were lounging around in comfy clothes and Alex was already in his jammies, we decided we'd give it a try anyway. The weather map showed the rain would probably stop just in time for the fireworks. We'd given up time with my family so that we could see the fireworks show here. It's only a once a year event. We can sit at home and be boring any old night, but this was an opportunity to go have fun. So...we piled in the car, waited in the church parking lot for the rain to stop, and (thankfully) had dry weather for the show.

I'm so glad we went! First of all, we would have missed something better than the fireworks if we hadn't left the house:

Sorry for the shadow across the middle - my old software was very easy to use when "stitching" 2 photos together. Photoshop is a little trickier for me! This was actually a double rainbow, but it was fading by the the time we stopped to snap a picture. Isn't it beautiful? It's so rare to see the entire rainbow!

Second, we had fun! Jessica & Grandma joined us, Alex had fun with a balloon, and we got to watch the sheer DELIGHT on Alex's face as he watched the fireworks. He had just a brief moment of fear at the beginning, but after was all smiles! That grin was plastered on his face the whole time!

When there was a pause in the fireworks, our little cutie would sign "MORE PLEASE MORE MORE PLEASE!!" He did a lot of clapping, too!

Some sort of mix-up meant that the finale was in the middle of the show, and the remainder of the show was a rather random mix of occasional fireworks. It was hard to tell when the show was actually over until we saw the fireworks guys packing up and driving away. (That was a pretty good clue, ha ha!)

Alex said "Boom!" the whole way home. I don't know if he wanted more fireworks, just liked saying "boom", or was catching glimpses of some of the fireworks people were setting off in the distance. We do know he LOVED it!

So, it wasn't quite the 4th of July we expected to have...but it was still a great day!

How was YOUR 4th of July?

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